Shipping and Delivery Status

How will I know whether my order has been shipped?

When you place an order on, we’ll send you an email confirmation to let you know when it’s been shipped and is headed on its way to you.

To get order status alerts sent to your phone, sign up for iABCSSD order status alerts.

What if I don’t receive my order by the scheduled delivery date?

If you don’t receive your order by 5 pm on the scheduled delivery date, contact us by email or via phone at 1- 201-499-7336. Keep in mind that UPS may deliver to residential addresses until 7 pm.

I received most of my order, but I’m missing one item, what should I do?

  1. Check your order and shipment confirmation emails to determine if your missing item is scheduled to ship separately.
  2. If your missing item was scheduled to arrive with other items, but was missing, please contact us by email or via phone at 1- 201-499-7336 for assistance.

Delivery Timing

How long will it take for my order to be delivered?

We’ll provide you with an estimated delivery date when you place your order. Estimated delivery dates vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location and the items you order. When we use independent carriers to deliver orders, we base the estimated delivery dates upon information provided to us by the independent carriers. Products may be delivered in separate shipments.

We deliver between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. We cannot determine your exact delivery time, but we can tell you if your order has been shipped and whether or not there are any problems with it that have been reported to us that could delay delivery.

Delivery dates noted apply to orders placed by 5 pm local time (or 4 pm local time in stores and in limited locations across the country) and where credit approval and product availability are confirmed by 5 pm on the same business day that the order is placed. (Business days are defined as Monday through Friday, except holidays.) Items shipped direct from the vendor may require an earlier order placement time. You will be notified of the estimated delivery date in a confirmation email. (Not available for in-store orders if email address is not submitted.)

If you’ve purchased a software download, your order will be fulfilled via a separate email confirmation. This email will include download links and instructions on how to complete the download.

Note: An extra day may be added onto delivery for orders that have been paid for in a Staples retail store at the register, due to order processing in the store.

Do I have to wait at my house or office all day for my delivery?

For your security and protection, it’s best to have someone available to sign for your order between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Our drivers’ delivery routes change from day to day so there is no way to determine the exact time your order will be delivered. If you’d like the driver to leave your shipment (on the front steps, for example), you need to fill out the Driver Release Agreement. If you don’t post a Driver Release Agreement, the driver will decide whether or not to leave the order unattended. If the delivery cannot be made, your order will be returned to the local delivery center and another attempt will be made.

What time can I expect my order to be delivered?

In most cases, our drivers deliver orders between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Since our drivers’ delivery routes change from day to day, we cannot determine an approximate time your order will be delivered.